<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Webdev_rachel</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ponegame.css"> <script src="ponegame.js"></script> </head> <body> <div> </div> <center> <h3>Follow @Webdev_rachel</h3> </center> <div class="wrapper"> <canvas width="300" height="200"></canvas> </div> </body> </html>
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } canvas { /*cursor: pointer;*/ background: #F8F8F8; border-style: groove; } .wrapper { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; width: auto; }
window.onload = function () { var c; var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); c = document.querySelector("canvas"); c = c.getContext("2d"); c.width = 300; c.height = 200; var ballX = c.width / 2; //x axis start postition var ballY = c.height / 2;//y axis start postition var ballRadius = 4; var dx = 1; //x velocity var dy = 1; //y velocity var paddle1X = 0, paddle1Y = 80, paddle1WIDTH = 3, paddle1HEIGHT = 35; var paddle2X = 297, paddle2Y = 80, paddle2WIDTH = 3, paddle2HEIGHT = 35; var score1 = 0; var score2 = 0; var AI = .9; // AI= 0 for multiplayer //mousemove eventListener controls window.addEventListener("mousemove", function (event) { paddle1Y = event.clientY - innerHeight / 2 - paddle1HEIGHT / 2 + c.height / 2; event.preventDefault(); }); //touchmove eventListener controls canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var root = document.documentElement; var touch = e.changedTouches[0]; var touchY = parseInt(touch.clientY) - - root.scrollTop; e.preventDefault(); paddle1Y = touchY - paddle1HEIGHT / 2; }); //keyboard controls function dealWithKeyboard(e) { if (e.keyCode == "81") { //q paddle1Y -= 2; } else if (e.keyCode == "65") { //a paddle1Y += 2; } if (e.keyCode == "38") { //arrow up paddle2Y -= 2; } else if (e.keyCode == "40") { //arrow down paddle2Y += 2; } } //game reset function reset() { //reset game == center ball ballX = c.width / 2; //center ballY = c.height / 2; //center dx = 1; //reset speed dy = 1; //reset speed //AI = 1; //reset AI } //CORE ANIMATE FUNCTION function animate() { requestAnimationFrame(animate); c.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); // x, y, innerWidth, innerHeight //clears canvas c.beginPath(); //begin //canvas arc circle == ball c.arc(ballX, ballY, ballRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); //c.arc(x,y,r,startAngle,endAngle, drawCounterClockwise) c.fill(); //fill inside c.stroke();//stroke edges //canvas paddle1 == player 1 paddle c.beginPath(); //begin c.fillRect(paddle1X, paddle1Y, paddle1WIDTH, paddle1HEIGHT); //x,y,width,height //canvas paddle2 == player 2 paddle c.beginPath(); //begin c.fillRect(paddle2X, paddle2Y, paddle2WIDTH, paddle2HEIGHT); //x,y,width,height //score text for player 1 and player 2 c.fillText(score1, 100, 10); //score 1 c.fillText(score2, c.width - 100, 10); //score 2 //game colors + random choice of color var gameColors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black', 'brown', '#741a1a', '#121f1f']; var randomColor = gameColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * gameColors.length)]; //index random color //IF BALL TOUCHES RIGHT PADDLE THEN BOUNCE BACK function paddle2Bounce() { if (ballX + ballRadius > c.width) { if (ballY >= paddle2Y && ballY <= paddle2Y + paddle2HEIGHT) { dx = -dx - 0.2; //bounce/reverse ball back + make it faster 0.2 //dy = dy-0.1; //AI = AI-0.3; //make AI faster c.fillStyle = randomColor; //c.fillStyle = "#"+Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6); //get random color } else { score1++; reset(); } } } // END OF RIGHT PADDLE BOUNCE //IF BALL TOUCHES LEFT PADDLE THEN BOUNCE BACK function paddle1Bounce() { if (ballX - ballRadius < 0) { if (ballY >= paddle1Y && ballY <= paddle1Y + paddle1HEIGHT) { dx = -dx + 0.2; //bounce/reverse ball back + make it faster 0.2 //dy = dy+0.1; c.fillStyle = randomColor; //c.fillStyle = "#"+Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6); //get random color } else { score2++; reset(); } } } //END OF LEFT PADDLE BOUNCE //BOUNCE BALL IF IT TOUCHES TOP OR BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN function topBottomBounce() { if (ballY + ballRadius > c.height || ballY - ballRadius < 0) { dy = -dy; //bounce/reverse ball //c.fillStyle = randomColor; //c.fillStyle = "#"+Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6); //get random color } } //IF PADDLE IS ABOVE OR BELOW CANVAS - GET IT BACK TO CANVAS function stayInCanvas() { if (paddle1Y + paddle1HEIGHT > c.height) { paddle1Y = c.height - paddle1HEIGHT; } if (paddle1Y < 0) { paddle1Y = 0; } if (paddle2Y + paddle2HEIGHT > c.height) { paddle2Y = 165; } if (paddle2Y < 0) { paddle2Y = 0; } } //AI player function AIPlayer() { if (paddle2Y + paddle2HEIGHT / 2 < ballY) { paddle2Y += AI; } else { paddle2Y -= AI; } } //move my ball in x and y axis function moveBallXandYaxis() { ballX += dx; //run ball in x axis ballY += dy; //run ball in y axis } /* >>>>>>>>>>CALLING FUNCTIONS<<<<<<<<<< */ moveBallXandYaxis(); //moving ball in x and y axis paddle1Bounce(); //bounce/reverse ball from paddle1 paddle2Bounce(); //bounce/reverse ball from paddle2 topBottomBounce(); //top and bottom bouncing/reversing ball stayInCanvas(); //paddle1 Y axis can be only in canvas.height AIPlayer(); //init AI player } //end of animate(); function animate(); //init animate(); function }; //end of onload function